love and hopeThe Advent Season is the time of year we pay extra attention on preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus.  It is a season that is meant to last all year but for many of us, it is easiest to focus on it during the Christmas season.    When we prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming, we are consciously creating a connection to God.

There are a lot of people out there who desire to have a connection to God but don’t know how to start because maybe they never were taught how to. Many more have searched for a place of worship only to find none feels right in their hearts so they aim wanderlessly like the lost sheep and may be hesitant to follow a new shepherd for a variety of reasons.

Perhaps those who seek God in a place of worship are disappointed when the people who are leading the masses and services display unGodly actions or simply make mistakes. Or perhaps the feelings of guilt and focus on sin made them feel so terrible inside they felt better not going to services than going. Or perhaps they could see the potential for more than one way to know God and the limitations and prejudices of their religion were intolerable. Perhaps the reason worship services are no longer attended follow an atheistic view that we are in far more control of our lives than most believe and blaming or putting the responsibility on God for everything didn’t feel right in their hearts either. But the desire to know God and connect with God never stops. And if you haven’t found the right community by attending worship services (which I highly recommend you keep trying to find a good fit because there is such amazing power in being with others sharing the same intentions), what better way to connect with God than to invite God into a sacred space you have created within you.

This Advent Season, follow this blog to learn more about how Mother Mary prepared herself for the coming of Jesus by creating a sacred space for God to reside within her even before the birth of Jesus.