To prepare her body for the coming of Jesus, Mother Mary was conscious of her breathing ~ an essential element for life. Mother Mary would practice deep breathing in her meditations in listening to God’s word. She knew the importance of breathing in fresh clean air to maintain life but also to use as a purifier ~ to breath out impurities and even unwanted thoughts or feelings.

Take deep breaths when you are tired and it will help you to be more alert. Take deep breaths when you are anxious and it will calm your nerves. Take deep breaths when you are confused and clarity will come. Every year, many people die from pneumonia and the cause of pneumonia is simply too shallow breathing ~ take deep breaths for life!

Breathing should be rhythmic – the breath in should take as long as the breath out – if not, you are either taking in too little air or expelling too little air. If your breath is out of sync, practice breathing in slowly and fully (filling your belly first) for 9 seconds (no longer), then hold your breath for 9 seconds then slowly release your breath for 9 seconds. It may take several times of taking these breaths before you get back into a healthy rhythm but just keep trying.

Our breath can bring us back to peace, serenity and clarity. Just Breathe.Woman Breathing with Arms Raised