Love ~ it’s the essence of life, it is the source of all goodness, it is the state of pure peace, joy and gratitude. In love, there is no judgement. In love there is no shame. In love there is no fear. For God is love and perfect love casts out fear. That is exactly how I see heaven – full of love and being one with love. It is God’s will that we experience love on earth as it is in heaven.

If you are seeking ways to love one another more fully, if you are seeking ways to remove fear from your life, if you are seeking ways to fill your life with joy rather than judgement, join me and sign up for the Live on Earth as It Is In Heaven Summit that begins on February 14th, 2015. There you will discover the deep mysteries of love and how you can open your mind, heart and soul to experience love like never before.

The summit is free and over 22 days you will hear from experts around the world teaching tools and techniques to live on earth as it is in heaven. Join me and share with the world so together we can create heaven on earth. Register today at Love