Joy ~ did you know that once a scientist named David Hawkins measured the vibrational frequency of many emotions and he could find no emotion with a higher frequency than Joy?

The science community also knows that the brain functions best when it is feeling positive emotions. With Joy being the most positive emotion felt by humankind, if we have more joy in our lives, we should be functioning at a higher level.

AND science has also taught us that higher vibrational frequencies that influence us actually give us more energy – more life in essence.

So what is joy? Joy is the ability to see good in all things. Joy is what we feel when we are fully connected with our higher power. Having joy in our lives can extend our lifespan. Joy is so powerful, that when we can become a Joy Magnet as termed by Dr. Shannon South, we can create heaven on earth.

Join me for the Live on Earth as It Is In Heaven summit and hear Dr. Shannon South teach ways to attract joy in your life and keep it there! In her talk you will learn tools and techniques to rid yourself of joy busters and start building joy in your heart. Register today: